The following day rained. So did the day after. It was at this point we decided to socialize, and trade movies with people to give us all something to entertain ourselves with while we wait on the sunshine. Speaking to some we find out they had been waiting on weather for over a week so far. We had a look at the weather forecast. It called for another 4-5 days of rain and the farmers assured us it would take another 2-4 days of dry weather before they could convince the tractor to take a run through the fields. With our dwindling bank accounts and increased free time, we turned the wheel to the coast and pushed the right pedal down in search of indoor jobs.
Brisbane was the next major city, and that’s where we began our search. It reminds me a lot of Calgary. It is spread out with only a few high rises in the center. It has a river running through the middle, and all the major roads in or out are under construction! We treated ourselves to a cabin. This gave us a great chance to dry out and recover from the melon picking. I can’t stress enough how important it is to stretch before and after any strenuous activity. After sitting in the car for two days, following our one full day of picking, we were both walking as if we fell from a two story building. We made up resumes and scoured the internet for work, in between refilling the hot water bottle and taking in the next episode of “24” which we became addicted to(like the fellows who gave em to us promised). With both walking, and clutch work low on the priority list we enjoyed our recovery time and hit the airports and temp agencies hard later in the week. Amanda found work right away temping as a dental assistant which left me with interviews out at the general aviation airport just west of the city. To my pleasant surprise they have a Canadian on their staff already which they had sponsored from an apprentice and were the local Cirrus service centre. They were pleased to see I had experience with them as it is uncommon to see in many Australia applicants. The bad news however was that they would be slow until the new year and would have to check back after the holidays. That didn’t fit into our financial plans. The plans being: “we need money A.S.A.P.” Amanda continued to temp and I decided to look into alternative employment. Through complete fluke I stumbled on a single leaflet left behind at the book trade in, when I was dropping off magazines I borrowed from the last one, and just so happened to be for a segway tour just north of Brisbane. I decided to give it a ring and tell them about my segway experiences in Canada.
“Excuse me guys. Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought you said you were going to jump off the falls??”…….”yep”
And after a few basic stretches they wasted no time climbing over the railing and hurling themselves toward the earth. I picked em up at the trail head and gave em a lift back to their ute, as one was late for work. “Beats coffee!” he said as he drove off.
We took the alternative rout to the falls later in the morning. We scrambled some rocks and found ourselves a pool and hung out in the natural jakoozee made by the boulders.
The remainder of our time has been spent trying to stay dry (as it has rained virtually every day since St. George) and keep enough clothes clean as to keep the van’s FUNK-O-METER below 10. We also got to test out or roadside repair kit as we blew our first tire. Both of us are now confident that we could locate and operate anything we need in that case. This will save us time in the future, because somehow putting the steering wheel on the other side required the manufacturer to hide the jack, wrench, and handle all in different places!